Monday, December 15, 2014

Information about the 115th Audubon Christmas Bird Count

From Audubon:

1. PLEASE NOTE:  new this season, you need to enter the date of your count for the 115th CBC before you can access the rest of the online data entry application.2. The bird checklists available for data entry this season are exactly the same as last season.  The splits of Clapper and King rails have not yet been included, so please enter these species as you have before.
3. The banding study of Loggerhead Shrikes breeding in Canada was continued this past summer, and many more birds were banded.  If you do find a banded Loggerhead Shrike (on the CBC or at any time of year!) we have a link to the reporting form on the CBC home page.

Audubon Science
2300 Computer Ave, # I-49
Willow Grove, PA 19090
Phone: 302-858-0724
Please support a great tradition by donating to the CBC:

Monday, December 1, 2014

Clinton CBC December 21, 2014

Good morning, it is the season of Christmas Bird Counts!  The Clinton CBC will be Sunday, December 21, 2014 this year.  If you are a “regular” Clinton CBC’er, please join us again and we always welcome new friends to bird with us.  Please register at the following link through the Audubon website at .  Owling is always an option in the morning and we have had great birds show up on count day, including a Snowy Owl guest appearance last year.  A post count dinner will follow at JR’s Hometown Grill and Pub in Tecumseh at 5:30 p.m., parking is in back.  Please see the link for more details, they are open until 9 p.m. on Sunday: . Hope to see you December 21! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Keeping up with Citizen Science

Hi everyone!  I can't believe it is that time again for the Clinton Christmas Bird Count.  I don't know about you but I still haven't gotten over the brutal snow from last year.  Our count date is set this year for December 21 (Sunday) so feel free to head over to the website to sign up and donate for this years count.  Please also see the following link for keeping up with citizen science where you can receive emails that will keep you up to date with everything the Audubon is doing.  Thanks!