Friday, February 22, 2013

CBC update from National Audubon Society

Here is a message from Gary Langham, Chief Scientist at National Audubon Society....

Dear CBC Participants, Compilers, and Regional Editors, past and present,
Thank you for being part of Audubon's Christmas Bird Count (CBC).  Your efforts are appreciated and make a valuable difference for science and bird conservation.
As you are aware, this year we are moving to digital delivery of the CBC results rather than printing and mailing the CBC summary report to participants.  If you want to receive information regarding the digital edition of American Birds this year you must sign up online by entering your email address.  Be aware that even if your email address is currently in the CBC system, you will only receive American Birds if you sign up through our new citizen science network.
Joining our online citizen science network this way ensures you will receive updates on our latest research results, reports from Audubon scientists, and notification when count summaries are posted online.  In addition, you will learn about other citizen science programs and opportunities that may interest you. Please take a moment to sign up now and also invite participants from your CBC count circle to be part of the network.

Gary Langham, Chief Scientist
National Audubon Society